Friday, June 12, 2020

Project Review Essay - 1100 Words

Project Review (Essay Sample) Content: Project ReviewNameInstitutionImportance of the Project and its GoalsThe goal of the project is to tap an open opportunity in the hospitality industry. It is a suitable business enterprise owing to the fact that the location is not saturated with similar establishments. The large numbers of people who access the area serve as the target customers. The preferred location will be in Wellingtonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Murphy Street. The enterprise will take advantage of the availability of many professionals in the area. The management is likely to maximize the profits because there will be no cost of rent. The management aims at growing the cafÃÆ'à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s capacity in the busy Murphy Street. It will have a competitive advantage over other cafes because not many of them specialize with assorted beverages. The project is important in that it will generate revenue to the local government and create employment for the jobless youths.Projectà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Scope and Portfolioà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ s Implication/ Issues in Project ManagementThe cafÃÆ' will occupy a space of 1000sq. ft and it will require an initial capital of six million United Statesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ dollars. It will cover costs such as purchasing the land, and all the costs that will accrue to the project. The cafÃÆ'à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s design will adopt the image of a classic coffee house. It is estimated that the project will take a maximum period of eight months. The duties of the project manager will include overseeing the progress of the projects as well as making sure that it does not exceed the expected time.Projects Structure and Work BreakdownThe work breakdown structure is the formal organization of the operations. It involves setting up a time schedule to estimate the time that it may take. It breaks down the steps into easy and cohesive tasks. This helps the project manager to give more close attention to the process to avoid probable loopholes.Figure 1.1 A shows the work structureSerial number Duty Number o f days Commencement date Completion date predecessor 1.0 Purchasing land 30 days 5/5/2014 4/6/2014 0 1.1 Completion of the legal processes 21 days 5/6/2014 16/6/2014 0 1.2 Formalities in the legal spectrum 5 days 17/6/2014 22/6/2014 0 1.3 Meeting with regulatory authorities 5 days 23/6/2014 28/6/2014 0 1.4 Attainment of the operation licence 30 29/6/2014 29/7/2014 Once the management obtains a license to start up the enterprise, they embark on a market survey to fix all the loopholes. They conduct extensive study on the various designs in the market and the diverse interior dÃÆ'cor that could fit the cafÃÆ'à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s inner organization.Various Phases of the ProjectPhase OnePhase one involves the designer stage where a designer crafts both exterior and interior dÃÆ'cor of the proposed cafe. In this phase, it is only the top management that has the highest level of engagement as opposed to other departments. Once the management is satisfied with the interior dÃÆ'cor, the projec t moves of to phase two.Phase TwoIn this phase, the management hires some employees to help in the project execution. They perform duties such as short listing of distributors and suppliers. The management may even train employees to align them to their future duties at the cafÃÆ'Phase ThreeIn phase three, the management will test the quality of expected services. Once they are satisfied that the services will meet the expectations of the customers, they may authorize the commencement of the cafÃÆ'à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s operations.Gantt ChartConstraintsThere are three constraints that are likely to trouble the investment. They include the operational cost through resources and investment. The time schedule is the other constraint while scope alongside quality is the third one. These factors have a certain degree of interdependence. For instance, if the project stretches the time schedule, then the budgetary allocation will also fluctuate.TimeThe time when the cafÃÆ' starts its operations d epends on the procedural requirements and their complexity. Time is an aspect that is directly proportional to the operating costs. If it exceeds the cost of labour, the management will incur higher costs. Timing is important because it determines the success r failure of the enterprise.CostIf the projectà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s cost exceeds the budgetary allocations, it affects all the factors...

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